Polytechnics Sector Schemes
- PMSSS(for more information visit the website of AICTE or follow the link https://www.ugi.ac.in/blog/prime-minister-special-scholarship-scheme-pmsss-jammu-kashmir-2020-21/ )
- Pragati & Saksham Scholarship schemes (for more information visit the website of AICTE or follow the link https://www.aicte-pragati-saksham-gov.in
- Community Development Through Polytechnics ( CDTP) Scheme:
The Community Polytechnics scheme was started in the year 1978-79 and then after a two-year break during 2007 and 2008, it was launched once again in the year 2009 in the new name of Community Development through Polytechnics i.e., CDTP scheme by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) Govt. Of India. In the last 40 years about 43 lakhs persons have been trained under the scheme. At present the scheme is operational in 518 polytechnics of the country.
It is 100% Central Sponsored Scheme and the grant is being received from the Govt. on instalment basis. This is a Direct Central Assistance scheme under which Recurring and Non-Recurring Grant is being provided by MHRD to the selected institutions/Polytechnics for implementation of the scheme
Main features of the Scheme:
- The scheme involves skill development training programmes of six months duration in the Polytechnic buildings and extension centers in the villages involving the skilled instructors from the village who can train school drop outs, SC, ST, backward classes and illiterate females who can learn in these extension centers and able to start their own small business so that they can earn their livelihood in an earnest way.
- The scheme also involves need assessment surveys of the villages to know exactly what type of technical training and technical help is required.
- The scheme involves Dissemination and Application of Appropriate technology in which the villagers are given awareness about the advancements made in the field of science and technology.
- The villagers are provided with the technical and support services in the form of repair of their daily household appliances and gadgets.
- Awareness programmes about various centre and state Govt. schemes are provided to the villagers.
For more information regarding CDTP scheme follow the link : http://www.nitttrchd.ac.in > rural > rural_activity